Are you committed to launching a business that aligns with your passion and purpose, but find yourself lost in the planning stage?


It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re navigating the complexities of turning your passion into a profitable business. Between finding your niche, setting financial targets, and planning your growth strategy, the path can become foggy. That’s where our high-touch, comprehensive program ‘Scaling with Outsourcing Business Plan’ comes in.

About Our Business Academy

Are you a purpose-driven business owner, author, or podcaster who wants to make a positive impact in the world with your products or services?

Do you have a great idea, but you’re not sure how to turn it into a profitable and sustainable business?

Do you feel overwhelmed by all the tasks and decisions involved in running a business, such as marketing, sales, operations, finance, and legal?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need a simple and effective business plan that will guide you through every step of your journey.

A business plan is not just a document that you write once and forget. It’s a living and breathing tool that helps you clarify your vision, set your goals, identify your target market, craft your unique value proposition, create your marketing strategy, plan your budget, track your progress, and adjust your course as needed.

But writing a business plan can be daunting and time-consuming, especially if you don’t have the right guidance and support.

That’s why we created Business Solutions Academy, an online program that will teach you how to write a simple business plan in just 90 days.

About Marie Mason

Being A Business Strategy Coach Is Who I Am...

Marie Mason is a business strategy coach who helps new freelancers, course creators, and coaches to create a profitable and sustainable businesses that make a positive impact in the world.

Marie has over 30 years of experience in entrepreneurship, teacher, administration, management, and business strategy coaching. She has worked with clients from various industries, such as education, health care, administration, authors, podcasters, coaches, consultants, and project managers.

She is also the founder Trailblazers Mastermind Community, a networking community for startups and successful business owners.  We provide personalized coaching for authors, podcasters, and purpose-driven business owners.

She is passionate about helping new & experienced freelancers, coaches, & course creators discover their purpose, unleash their potential, and achieve their dreams.

The PRogram

Our comprehensive program combines live group coaching sessions and on-demand training modules to help you craft a business plan that’s not just a document but a roadmap to your dream business.

Private Coaching Sessions

Our tailored private coaching sessions are the perfect launchpad to guide you in crafting your business, marketing, client attraction, or business management.

On Demand Training

Race to our student dashboards and dive headfirst into our self-paced course content! You will be grateful that you did.

Community & PEer interaction

Ready to get the inside scoop? We are all ears! Join our student-led chats and get a fresh perspective on all your burning business questions.

Forge Valuable Connections and Expand Your Network

Build bridges and team up with like-minded collaborators or referral buddies.

Because It's All About Happy Students...

Our students got great results. Hear what they have to say…

“Business Solutions Academy was a game-changer for me. I learned how to write a simple and effective business plan that helped me launch my podcast and grow my audience. Marie was an amazing coach who gave me valuable feedback and guidance. I also loved the online community, where I met some awesome people who supported me and inspired me. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to start or grow their business.” 

Susan Podcaster and author

“I joined Business Solutions Academy because I wanted to pivot my business and reach a new market. The Scaling with Outsourcing Business Plan course was very comprehensive and easy to follow. I learned how to define my value proposition, create my marketing strategy, and plan my budget. The live coaching sessions were very helpful and interactive. Marie answered all my questions and gave me some great tips and tricks. The online community was also very supportive and engaging. I made some great connections and collaborations. Thanks to Business Solutions Academy, I was able to pivot my business successfully and increase my sales.”

Clara, business owner

Meet Jhoanna, a seasoned writer with a fiery passion for sharing great tales with the world. But when it came to launching her own publishing company, she hit a wall. That is until she discovered the Scaling with Outsourcing Business Plan course from the expert team at Business Solutions Academy! With the help of Marie, a top-notch business strategy coach, Jhoanna not only launched her company in record time (just 90 days!), but she also got tailored advice and guidance that helped her flourish. Whether you’re just starting out or already in the game, this course is a must-have. It’s chock-full of practical tools and hands-on knowledge to help you create a simple yet effective business plan. Jhoanna can’t recommend Marie and the Academy enough. Her passion and dedication to helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams is truly inspiring!

Jhoanna Author, Publisher"
Business Plan Gold


for a onetime payment

Valued at $7500


for a onetime payment
Business Plan Silver
Business Plan Bronze


/ Per Hour

Valued at $500 per hour

Frequently Asked Questions

Our mastermind group calls are held on the first Tuesday of the month from 12 pm to 1 pm Eastern, USA. 

We keep our classroom sizes small up to 20 students per session. 

The Business Solutions Academy is a turbo-charged coaching program that fuels passionate business owners with the tools to build a solid foundation, skyrocket productivity, and team management. Our students get access to online courses, live coaching, and exclusive resources, all designed to help them grow their businesses and cultivate a kick-butt work culture. But that’s not all, as they also get to join our supportive squad of like-minded go-getters who cheer each other on, share advice, and sprinkle some much-needed inspiration. And who’s the genius behind it all? None other than the superhero of business strategy coaching, Marie Mason. She’ll help you bust through obstacles and unleash your full potential.

Kick off your journey to business mastery by heading to and joining the squad! Pay up, and we’ll ping you with your exclusive log-in details. Then, get cracking on our epic worksheets, video training, and workbooks, pronto! Once you smash through one lesson, the next one will be raring to go. Let’s do this!

PayPal is our go-to payment method.

We’re totally cool if you decide to cancel anytime. But, since we’re a service-based team, we can’t offer refunds. If you choose to cancel the gold or silver memberships, say goodbye to lifetime access to our course content, mastermind group calls, and member perks. Please note, for private coaching calls, you get one shot at cancellation per session.

Ready to level up your business game? Course 1, “Scaling with Outsourcing – The Business Plan Framework” bags you a golden ticket to its lessons and that’s just the beginning! Up ahead, get your hands on the full package:

  • Course 2: “Scaling with Outsourcing – The Marketing Plan”
  • Course 3: “Scaling with Outsourcing – The Customer Attraction Process”
  • Course 4: “Scaling with Outsourcing – Business Management and Scale”
  • Course 5: “3-month camera confidence course” – a surefire way to boost your confidence, learn the ins and outs of camera work, and create captivating scripts.